Eagle Christian Worship Center International will train leaders that can take the gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner of the globe by utilizing the Holy Word of God and all of its principles as our only manuscript. We will inform, empower, and inspire the people of God with foundational truths needed to live and maintain a Christian life through the use of hands on study tools, real life experiences, practical biblical exercises. Moreover, by using prayer to restore families, revitalize marriages, return wayward children through intercessory prayers. People will be challenged to make a change in their thought process through the regenerating power of the Holy Ghost and the word of God by the renewing of their minds which will equip them to have practical applications of the Word in every aspect of their lives, from home, on the job to their ministry in the kingdom.
Our Goal
This ministry has been exclusively designed by God almighty for the express purposes of maturing his people to renew their strength and live the life that the Lord has meant for them to live and be the living epistles of the Lord Jesus in the community and beyond to encouraging others through a life of righteous living how to dedicate their time and talents to the kingdom of God for Jesus name sake according to the principles, standards, statutes, and commands of God laid out in The Holy Bible.